Promotion Rates
Promotion Rate is the rate at which your LEA advances students by one or more grade levels between Enrollment Audits. Promotion Rates must be included in your Annual Report and may reported by DC PCSB to stakeholders such as the DC Council. The denominator (*Eligible for Promotion*) consists of students in your LEA audited UPSFF population in both the current and prior year excluding students in your LEA terminal grade and those whose grade level was Adult or Ungraded. The numerator (*Promoted*) consists of students in this population who advanced by one or more grade levels between audits.
There are two years taken into consideration when calculating Promotion Rate. *Year 2* refers to the school year which has just ended, while *Year 1* refers to the prior year. For example, if the school year that just ended is 2019-20, then *Year 2* will refer to 2019-20 while *Year 1* will refer to 2018-19. The column *School Year* aligns to *Year 1*.
In order to be *Eligible for Promotion*, a student must have been part of your LEA audited student population in both Year 1 and Year 2, must not have been enrolled in a terminal grade in Year 1, and must not have been enrolled as an Adult or Ungraded student in either year in the Enrollment Audit. Students who meet these criteria are considered *Eligible for Promotion*. Students who are eligible for promotion and also advanced by one or more grade levels based on their Year 1 and Year 2 Grade Levels are considered *Promoted*.
Key Information
- Users Can Submit Data Never
- Users Cannot Create, Cannot Update Rows
Collection Template
Position | Column Name | Required | Format | Description |
0 | Data Type | True | Text | Promotion Rates |
1 | LEA ID | True | Integer (Small) | |
2 | LEA | False | Text | |
3 | Campus ID | True | Integer (Small) | |
4 | Campus | False | Text | |
5 | School Year | True | Text | The school year prior to the year which just ended (year 1). |
6 | USI | True | Integer (Big) | |
7 | First Name | False | Text | |
8 | Last Name | False | Text | |
9 | First Year Grade | True | Mapped ID | Year 1 refers to the school year prior to the one which has just ended. Year 1 grade reflects the student's enrolled grade at the time of the Enrollment Audit in that year. |
10 | In Terminal Grade | True | Boolean (True/False) | If the student's Year 1 Grade was the terminal grade for your LEA, then Terminal Grade will be checked. |
11 | Second Year Grade | False | Mapped ID | Year 2 refers to the school year which has just ended. Year 2 grade reflects the student's enrolled grade at the time of the Enrollment Audit in that year. |
12 | Returned to LEA | True | Boolean (True/False) | If Returned to LEA is checked, then the student was part of your LEA's audited student population in both Year 1 and Year 2. |
13 | Eligibile for Promotion | True | Boolean (True/False) | Indicates whether the student met the criteria to be eligible for inclusion in the promotion rate calculation. |
14 | Promoted | True | Boolean (True/False) | Indicates whether the student met the criteria to be considered promoted. |
Shading Key
Primary Key Column | Column(s) which uniquely define the row, and is required in all submissions |
Expected Column | Column which is expected in a complete submission; in case where the data are missing and the column is not required, these columns may be left blank |
Non-Loaded Column | Column which is not loaded; these columns are provided to support use of the table, but can be left blank in submissions |
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