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I-Ready (Term-Based)

Key Information

Collection Template

Position Column Name Required Format Description
0 Data Type True Text I-Ready (Term-Based)
1 LEA ID True Integer (Small)
2 LEA False Text
3 Campus ID True Integer (Small)
4 Campus False Text
5 School Year True Text YYYY-YYYY
6 USI True Integer (Big)
7 First Name False Text
8 Last Name False Text
9 Assessment Grade False Text
10 Subject True Mapped ID Accepted Values:
  • MATH
11 Test Date True Date
12 Score True Integer (Small)

Shading Key

Primary Key Column Column(s) which uniquely define the row, and is required in all submissions
Expected Column Column which is expected in a complete submission; in case where the data are missing and the column is not required, these columns may be left blank
Non-Loaded Column Column which is not loaded; these columns are provided to support use of the table, but can be left blank in submissions

Common Errors

Click on the error type to get more information.

  • No common errors