Discipline (2019-2020)
Key Information
- Users Can Submit Data Before Submission Only
- Users Can Create, Can Update Rows
Collection Template
Position | Column Name | Required | Format | Description |
0 | Data Type | True | Text | Tells the Hub which type of collection you are submitting |
1 | LEA ID | True | Integer (Small) | Unique OSSE-assigned identifier for Local Education Agencies (LEAs), three to four digits. |
2 | LEA | False | Text | The name of the LEA |
3 | Campus ID | True | Integer (Small) | Unique OSSE-assigned identifier for schools, three to four digits. If a student is attending a non-public school, the Local School ID should reflect the school ID of the sending/responsible local school. |
4 | Campus | False | Text | The name of the campus |
5 | School Year | True | Text | School year for which the data collection was run. Permitted format is YYYY-YYYY, e.g. 2014-2015. |
6 | USI | True | Integer (Big) | 10-digit unique student identifier, assigned by OSSE via SLED. |
7 | LEA Student ID | False | Text | The student ID assigned by the LEA in the LEA SIS |
8 | First Name | False | Text | The student's first name in the LEA SIS |
9 | Last Name | False | Text | The student's last name in the LEA SIS |
10 | Student with Disability at Time of Incident | True | Mapped ID | An indication (yes or no) the student had a finalized IEP at the time of the disciplinary incident. |
11 | Incident Date | True | Date | Date on which the behavior that resulted in disciplinary action occurred. |
12 | Incident ID | False | UUID | A unique identifier created by DC PCSB. The unique identifier is created by DC PCSB the first time a record without an incident identifier is uploaded. The Incident ID will be uploaded with the record. Updates can now be applied to change the incident date and disciplinary action taken without deleting the existing row |
13 | Incident Location | True | Mapped Text |
Location where the behavior that resulted in disciplinary action occurred. OSSE will translate this into their ""Was the Incident School-Related"" field. Incidents occurring on school grounds, during off-campus activities, or while taking transportation will be considered school-related. Accepted Values:
14 | Reason Student Was Disciplined | True | Mapped Text |
A description of the behavior or conduct that resulted in disciplinary action. If there was more than one behavior that resulted in a disciplinary action, select most severe behavior, the behavior that best accounts for the severity of the disciplinary action. Accepted Values:
15 | Secondary Incident Behavior | False | Mapped Text |
Sometimes it is a combination of multiple student behaviors or types of conduct that results in a student receiving a disciplinary action. The “Secondary Disciplinary Incident Behavior” field allows LEAs to indicate a secondary incident behavior that led to the disciplinary action, if one applies. Accepted Values:
16 | Injury Type | True | Mapped Text |
The highest level of injury suffered by any of the parties involved in the disciplinary incident. The highest level of injury may have been suffered by the student being disciplined, another student or a member of the school’s staff. Accepted Values:
17 | Weapon Type | True | Mapped Text |
Type of weapon involved in an incident resulting in disciplinary action. OSSE is required to report incidents involving a weapon to the federal government broken out of the type of weapon the student possessed. Accepted Values:
18 | Caused Bodily Injury | True | Mapped Text |
A description of the highest level of bodily injury sustained by a student other than the student being disicplined, or a member of the school's staff. Note that a bodily injury is defined as "a cut, abrasion, bruise, burn, or disfigurement; physical pain; illness; impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty; or any other injury to the body, no matter how temporary". Accepted Values:
19 | Caused Emotional Distress | True | Mapped Text |
A description of the highest level of emotional distress sustained by a a student other than the student being disciplined, or a member of the school's staff. Note that emotional distress is defined as "mental suffering or distress that requires more than trivial treatment or counseling. " Accepted Values:
20 | Disciplinary Action Taken | True | Mapped ID |
Type of disciplinary action that was implemented as a result of the incident being detailed on this row of data. Accepted Values:
21 | Emergency Removal | True | Mapped Text |
Did the student receive an immediate out-of-school suspension or disciplinary unenrollment based on the school's reasonable belief that the student's presence posed an immediate and continuing danger to other students or school staff? Accepted Values:
22 | Referral to Law Enforcement | True | Mapped Text |
Was the student referred to law enforcement? Accepted Values:
23 | School Related Arrest | True | Mapped Text |
Did this incident result in a school-related arrest? Accepted Values:
24 | Duration of Disciplinary Action | True | Numeric | Number of days the disciplinary action was implemented. Data may be recorded in increments of 0.25. If partial-days cannot be recorded, partial-days should be rounded up to full days. Should reflect only days of school missed (not weekends or holidays) |
25 | Start Date of Disciplinary Action | True | Date | Date of implementation of the disciplinary action. |
26 | End Date of Disciplinary Action | True | Date | Last day of disciplinary action. This should be a day on which the student was still experiencing the disciplinary action, NOT the first day that the student returns to school. |
27 | Disciplinary Unenrollment Incident ID | False | UUID | For use with Expulsion or Involuntary Transfer incidents only. If a student is barred from attending school while awaiting an expulsion hearing, then those days must be entered as an Out-of-School Suspension record separately from the Expulsion record. Place the Out-of-School Suspension record's Incident ID into the Expulsion record's Disciplinary Unenrollment ID field to indicate that the two records are paired. |
28 | Voluntary Withdrawal / Transfer | True | Mapped Text |
An indication (yes or no) of whether the student voluntarily withdrew or transferred from the school following the disciplinary incident. Accepted Values:
29 | Written Justification Provided to Guardian | True | Mapped Text |
An indication (yes or no) of whether a written justification for the disciplinary action was provided to the student's guardian. Accepted Values:
30 | Date Written Justification Provided to Guardian | False | Date | If Written Justification for disciplinary action was written and provided to parent/guardian(s), the date on which it was provided to parents. This field must be filled in when a written justification was provided; the field's contents will be removed if a written justification was not provided. |
31 | Summary of Written Justification | False | Text | A summary of the Written Justification for the disciplinary action that was written and provided to parent/guardian(s). |
32 | Description of School-Based Intervention | False | Text | If a student received a school-based intervention instead of an in-school suspension, the LEA must provide a description of the school- based intervention used. |
33 | Education Services Received | False | Mapped Text |
Indicates whether student received educational services when removed from the regular school program for disciplinary reasons. (Students with IEPs are entitled to educational services if they are suspended for more than 10 total days throughout the school year.) Accepted Values:
34 | Student Received a Functional Behavioral Assessment | False | Mapped Text |
For students with disabilities: An indication (yes or no) of whether the student received a functional behavioral assessment during the school year. Accepted Values:
35 | Student Behavioral Improvement Plan Implemented | False | Mapped Text |
For students with disabilities: An indication (yes or no) of whether the student had a behavioral improvement plan implemented during the school year. Accepted Values:
36 | Student Behavioral Improvement Plan Updated | False | Mapped Text |
For students with disabilities: An indication (yes or no) of whether the student received an updated behavioral improvement plan during the school year. Accepted Values:
37 | Student Received a Manifestation Determination Review | False | Mapped Text |
For students with disabilities: An indication (yes or no) of whether the student received a manifestation determination review during the school year. Accepted Values:
38 | Placement Change | False | Mapped Text |
For students with disabilities: An indication (yes or no) of whether the student had a change in placement following the disciplinary incident. Accepted Values:
39 | Interim Removal | False | Mapped Text |
Indicate if student was removed to an interim alternative education setting, i.e. an appropriate setting determined by the child’s IEP team or a hearing officer in which the child is placed for no more than 45 school days. This setting enables the child to continue to receive educational services and participate in the general education curriculum (although in another setting) and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the IEP. As appropriate, the setting includes a functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention services and modifications to address the behavior violation so that it does not recur. Accepted Values:
40 | Interim Removal Reason (IDEA) | False | Mapped Text |
Reason the student was removed to an interim alternative education setting. Accepted Values:
41 | Type of Interim Removal (IDEA) | False | Mapped Text |
Type of interim removal. Accepted Values:
42 | Length of Interim Removal | False | Numeric | Number of days the student was in an interim alternative education setting. Data should be recored on a half-day basis. If half-days cannot be recorded half-days should be rounded up to full days. Should reflect only days of school missed (not weekends or holidays) |
43 | Date Interim Removal Began | False | Date | Date student was removed to an interim alternative education setting. |
44 | Date Interim Removal Ended | False | Date | Last day the student was in an interim alternative education setting. |
45 | Alternative Education Setting (Attendance) | False | Mapped Text |
An indication (yes or no) of whether the student was in attendance at the alternative education setting. Accepted Values:
Shading Key
Primary Key Column | Column(s) which uniquely define the row, and is required in all submissions |
Expected Column | Column which is expected in a complete submission; in case where the data are missing and the column is not required, these columns may be left blank |
Non-Required Column | Column which is not required; these columns contain data that are loaded, but are not required for a row to be considered complete |
Non-Loaded Column | Column which is not loaded; these columns are provided to support use of the table, but can be left blank in submissions |
Common Errors
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