Hub Documentation
Combination of Certification Outcome and Course Outcome does NOT exist
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Hub Documentation
Getting Started
Getting Started
Requesting an Account
Password Resets
Data Submission Instructions
For LEA Hub Administrators
Data Types
Data Types
9th Grade on Track Data
Academic Functioning Levels
Accountability Demographics
ACT / SAT Summary
ACT Tests
Adult Persistence
Adult School Program Credentials on Exit
Advanced Placement Tests
AE Accountability Roster
Alternative Assessment Rosters
Alternative School Credentials by End of Program Year
Alternative School Graduate Outcomes
Automotive Certification
Brigance (Alternative)
Career and College Acceptance
Career Skill Development
Certification Outcomes
Certification Track Completions
CFRS Budget
CFRS Draft Budget
Child Development Associate Certification
CIRCLE Progress Monitoring
CISCO Certification
College and Career - Entered
College and Career - Prior Postsecondary
College and Career Readiness
College and Career - Retained
College Credits Earned
Community Service Hours
Competency-Based Course Grades
CompTIA A+ Certification
CompTIA Network+ Certification
CompTIA Security+ Certification
Continuum Benchmark
Customer Service Certification
DC Science
DC Science Alternative
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA)
DIBELS - 6th Edition
DIBELS - Next Edition
Discipline (2019-2020)
Domain Competency Scores
Dual Enrollment Grades
Enrollment Budget
Enrollment Projections
Every Child Ready
Expected Graduates
Extended Years Graduation Outcomes
FAR Management Organizations / Related Parties
Five Year ACGR
Foreign Language Credits
Foreign Language Proficiency
Fountas & Pinnell
Four Year ACGR
GED Outcomes
GED Ready Subject Tests
GED Subject Tests
Global Scholar
Goals Business Rules
Grade 8 Readiness (Alternative)
HBI PACT Certification
High School Credits Earned
High School CTE Course and Certification Outcomes
HVAC Certification
IEP Certificate of Completion
IEP Goal Progress
International Baccalaureate Grades
Internet Core Competency Certification
I-Ready (Term-Based)
Journeys Assessment
Law Activities
Learning Plan Completions
Medical Assistant Certification
Microsoft Word Certification
MI Write
NNAAP Certification
NRS Expected Students
NRS Tests
NRS Tests (Grade Level Equivalents)
Oral Proficiency Interviews
OSHA 10 Certification
Parent Conference Participation
PCSB Budget
Plazas Comunitarias
Positive Behavior Rating Scale
Postsecondary Enrollments
Program Activity Completions
Promotion Rates
PSAT Tests
Reading Journal
Reengagement of Truant Students
Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents
SAT Tests
Scholastic Reading Inventory
SEAtS Engagement Scores
Service Learning Projects
ServSafe Certification
Six Year ACGR
Skills Block Assessment
Spark 3000
Standards Based Measures of Proficiency
STAR - Early Literacy
STAR - Spanish
State Assessment Achievement
State Assessment Achievement (Alternate)
Strategic Teaching and Evaluation of Progress (STEP)
Technology Assessment
Terra Nova
Thesis Grades
Data Dictionary
Data Dictionary
Column Types
Column Types
Integer (Big)
Boolean (True/False)
Mapped ID
Mapped Text
Integer (Small)
Error Types
Error Types
Not-Null Constraint
Date Conversion
Smallint Column Conversion
Integer Column Conversion
Bigint Column Conversion
Numeric Column Conversion
Boolean Column Conversion
Unique Column Constraint
Relationship Constraint
Range Test
Value Not In Mapping List
Value Not In Mapping List
Submission Constraint (Submission Not Allowed)
Submission Constraint (Submission Always Allowed)
Submission Constraint (During Window Only)
Submission Constraint (Before Due Date Only)
Submission Constraint (Before Submission Only)
Upload Constraint (Cannot Create, Cannot Update)
Upload Constraint (Can Create, Cannot Update)
Upload Constraint (Cannot Create, Can Update)
Upload Constraint (Can Create, Can Update)
Row Not Associated With Realm
File Cannot Be Read (Ensure .csv Format)
Empty File
Unmatched Data Type
Bad File(s)
Encoding Error
File Type Error
Data Type Lookup Failure
Character Limit
Accountability Denominator or Has IEP look up returns null values, only existing records should be updated
Combination of Certification Outcome and Course Outcome does NOT exist
Interim Removal Fields Cannot Be Blank When Interim Removal Is 'Yes'
Start Dates Must Be On Or Before End Dates
Student's Assessment Grade Not Valid For Assessment
Validation Deadlines Processor Can Only Create Simple Deadlines. Use Data Type Processors for Complex Deadlines
Non-Null Campus/Year Combination Which Is Invalid
Credits Earned Cannot Exceed Credits Attempted
Goals Mastered and Goals Progressing Cannot Combine to More Than Goals Total
Invalid combination of Data Type (data_type) and Column Name (column_name)
Conflict on unique mapping (data_type_id, column_position, source_value)
Cannot create additional NULL source values
Invalid mapping for update - trying to update non-existing mapping
Invalid mapping for update - trying to update mapping more than once
LEA/Final enrollment grade projections are greater than the enrollment ceiling
LEA/Final at risk projections are greater than the total of all LEA/Final enrollment grade projections
LEA/Final english learner projections are greater than the total of all LEA/Final enrollment grade projections
LEA/Final special education projections are greater than the total of all LEA/Final enrollment grade projections
LEA/Final residential projections are greater than the total of all LEA/Final enrollment grade projections
LEA/Final residential english learner projections are greater than the total of all LEA/Final enrollment residential projections
LEA/Final residential special education projections are greater than the total of all LEA/Final enrollment residential projections
LEA/Final special education extended school year projections are greater than the total of all LEA/Final special education projections
Points > Possible Points
Points > Weight
Revisions have overlapping effective/expiration dates
Only one current value per key allowed
Date windows must be complete or fully empty; cannot have start date without end date or vice-versa
Upload Constraint (No Matching NRS Test)
Partial Submission
Student Cannot Be Reenrolled and Not Eligible to Reenroll
Student Cannot Be Reenrolled and Not Eligible to Reenroll and Not Returned to LEA
Student Cannot Be Reenrolled and Not Returned to LEA
Student Cannot Be Not Reenrolled, Returned to LEA, and Not Eligible to Reenroll
Invalid School Year Month
Missing Months
Missing Internship Organization
Quarter Conflicts With Monthly Submission Requirement
Month Conflicts With Quarterly Submission Requirement
Duplicate records for school_name
Duplicate records for calendar_name
Duplicate records for day_type
Duplicate records for first_day
Valide calendar_codes not present
Validate calendar codes in adult_feed
Start Score Must Be Within Valid Range
End Score Must Be Within Valid Range
Written Justification Date Missing
Written Justification Date Invalid
Injury Causation / Reporting Conflict
Invalid Disciplinary Unenrollment Incident ID
Conflicting Unenrollment Reporting
Invalid Incident ID
Valid Calendar ID is not present
Invalid Program
Cannot Process Interim Financial Statement Submissions
Sum of financial values does not equal Total Expenditures
Both Agreement Expiration Date and Agreement Expiration Date Description cannot be empty
Incomplete File Submission
Pivot Operation Failure
Assessment Declartion Choice Required
For measure IDs 1 and 2, for grade 3 only the choice must opt in or out of both measures.
Cannot update Assessment ID when mandatory.
Submission Settings
Submission Settings
During Submission Window Only
Before Due Date Only
Before Submission Only
Upload Settings
Upload Settings
Cannot Create, Cannot Update
Can Create, Cannot Update
Cannot Create, Can Update
Can Create, Can Update
Combination of Certification Outcome and Course Outcome does NOT exist